Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dangers in Russia

For Those Who Continue To Wonder Why We Should Worry About Vladimir Putin, posted Jan. 17 on "A Chequer-Board of Days and Nights," talks about some unsettling news from Russia. The post talks about Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, and about his current actions which seem dangerously close to him creating a dictatorship around himself. The post makes the point that Russia is not going to become a threat militarily because of these possible political changes; this is a point that I generally agree with. This is because now there are many powerful nations with nuclear power to go along with their militaries and it is pretty much safe to assume that no one, without monumental aggravation, will launch a nuclear war and Russia's current standard military is in no way the type of military that a nation would launch against the united front of any number of other nations. But, the problem remains that, if Putin does place himself in a dictatorship, one can never be absolutely sure what he'll do with that power because he is answerable to no one. Aside from the military threat, the blogger made a point that the real issues would come from problems by there being miscalculations in the US's Russo-American foreign policy; this is because of how hard it is to work with and understand absolute dictators. I find this to be a more realistic problem that would arise from Putin taking power. It's hard to say what real dangers and problems will come if Putin keeps gaining power, but I am sure that Russia possibly moving into having a dictatorship can have no good results.

1 comment:

Brother Benjamin said...

Putin's unbridled power, iron will, and brutal silencing of his political enemies have proven that he is indeed an incredible international threat. It's no surprise that people had no problem comparing his reception of Time's Person of the Year to that of both Hitler and Stalin.