Monday, January 7, 2008

Good moves by Obama while Hilary tanks

Coming Together on Iraq?, posted Jan. 7 on "A Chequer-Board of Nights and Days," talks about Obama as taking a big step in bringing more civilized talks out between politicians on opposite sides of the Iraq War. This is because, the blog states, he is "actually trying to engage in dialogue with those who disagree with him on policy issues." Which is something that doesn't seem to happen too much between politicians these days. Although I myself am still very much conservative, I find myself to think of Obama as at least competent and the most reasonable of the democratic candidates. The blog goes on to say that, although Obama seems to be willing to talk to those opposed to his views, Michael O'Hanlon directs peoples' attention to the fact that the change in Barack's tone is still nowhere to be seen in his official rhetoric concerning the war in Iraq. This is very true, but the open dialogue that Obama has started is a positive change, whether there is much real substance to it or not, and hopefully it will lead to some compromises and changes in his official rhetoric concerning the war in Iraq.

Hillary's awful comments about MLK, posted Jan. 7 on "AMERICAblog," talks about comments that Clinton said in response to comments from and about Obama. She clearly didn't mean to make it sound like she was belittling Martin Luther King, Jr., as the blog points out, but it sure looks like that's what she did. The quotes were taken slightly out of context, but even with everything she said, the parts where she seems to compare Obama to MLK and herself to President Johnson sound pretty bad. Although Clinton is still a huge candidate who holds a good chance of taking the democratic nomination, the current trend of things does not bode well for her. Obama is figuratively on top at the moment due to his current success; not anything for Clinton to distress about yet. But, she seems to be doing just that when she makes comments like those posted in this blog and this will only continue to hurt her. If Clinton keeps digging herself in holes, such as this, over every bump she reaches during the primaries, Obama will just have one less candidate that he has to worry about.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Cory I definitely agree with you on this. Obama is doing really well right now and Hillary should definitely be nervous. She must be wise and careful with what she says in order to protect her reputation and keep her voters. Obama has surprised everyone and with the way things are looking, it seems as if he will continue to. Although I do not agree with all of Obama's points and stances, I do believe that he is doing a very good job of presenting himself to the public and rallying votes.