Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Is Bill helping or hurting?

Is Bill undermining Hillary?, posted Jan. 22 on "AMERICAblog," talks about how Bill Clinton has been involved with and helping Hilary with her campaign. The blogger then talks about how some people, especially women, seem to be starting to lean away from Hilary because they think this may be more like another term for Bill as president instead of it being Hilary as the first woman president. I find this to be an interesting predicament that Hilary is in. This is because there is no doubting that Bill has helped her along the campaign trail. I recall that at the beginning of the campaigning that Bill was vital in helping Hilary raise so much money for her campaign and he has been helping every bit of the way since then. Also, there is the fact that they are a married couple that should be considered, so it is understandable that Bill would close around Hilary as she campaigns much like any other family members of any of the other candidates. But, all this aside, the fact remains that, to some, Bill having some kind of control in office would be a negative thing and for this reason it may be negative for Bill to be so closely involved with Hilary and her campaign. I'm not sure what Hilary's best course of action would be, but I find myself thinking that it would probably be a good idea for Bill to go into the background a little more. This is not to say that he should stop helping completely, but just that it might be good to give Hilary a chance to show voters that she will be able to work and make decisions on her own just to put some of these worrying voters at ease.

1 comment:

Luke said...

I think that Bill both helps and hurts, so he becomes kindof a nill factor. If one liked Bill's presidency, then they probably don't mind his presence in the campaign, but the opposite is also true.