Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hilary continues oddly and "The Reality-Based Community"

Hillary's supporters may set up anti-Obama 527, posted Jan. 8 on "AMERICAblog," covers Clinton's campaign plans and how they're changing. First, a bunch of the rich supporters backing Clinton and her campaign may possibly set up a committee for the sole purpose of finding her democratic opponents' flaws and slandering them. Personally, I find this sick and hilarious at the same time. First, this is a sad state of affairs where it is so common a tactic to drag opponents' names through the mud in politics today, that groups and candidates won't even hide it and try to rationalize their slandering, but instead they come right forward and unashamedly admit what they are doing. Second, this is quite funny because I see no way that any casual observer of politics could hear information such as this and still think highly enough of Hillary Clinton to vote for her. Next in this post, it covered some changes that may be made to Clinton's campaign struggle as she works to regain what once looked like a large lead for the democratic nomination. The changes being referred to are the possibility that she will overlook South Carolina and Nevada and instead prepare as much as possible for the large number of primaries taking place on Tuesday, Feb. 5. Whether such a plan will work in her favor or not is unknowable, but I find myself less and less interested in the issues and changes regarding Clinton and her campaign from day to day as she seems to be becoming less and less of a possibility for even making it to the final presidential elections as each day goes by.

On "The Reality-Based Community," posted Jan. 8 on "A Chequer-Board of Nights and Days," writes about how democratic candidates were confronted during the New Hampshire debate over their opinions concerning the "surge" in Iraq. Simply put, the surge has had extremely positive results; the blog points out, "Attacks have fallen by more than 60 percent, al-Qaeda has been dealt a major blow, and the threat of sectarian civil war that seemed imminent a year ago has receded." All of the democratic candidates showed extreme dislike for the sending of more troops to Iraq, and when asked questions concerning the partial success in Iraq, they all responded vaguely about political problems and continued violence in Iraq. Oddly, they didn't really need to be vague about this issue, they could've agreed that the surge has successfully quelled most of the violence but has yet to accomplish its goals of making political peace among the factions in Iraq and come out on top of the debate. But, they showed stubbornness by being unwilling to even grant the possibility that any good is being done in Iraq. And by acting this way, it seems to me that the democratic candidates only worsen their image by seeming evasive and a little fake because being vague and giving evasive answers usually points to being wrong or having something to hide.


Randall Bytwerk said...

What do you think of Hillary's chances now?

Cory said...

I'm not really sure what to think now, but what thing is for sure: I was ready to write off Hillary way to soon apparently.