Sunday, January 6, 2008

Looking at a different blog for the Liberal outlook

I previously stated that I would be following the "Wonkette" blog for my liberal outlook, but after some searching, I have found "AMERICAblog" which I find to have more interesting posts and content than the previous, so I will be following the latter for the remainder of this blog.

Clinton campaign fears loss in NH and evidence grows of Obama's bounce from Iowa, posted Jan. 6, discusses the not yet, but almost, panicked state of the Clinton campaign staff after recent polls. New Hampshire was a state that Clinton has put a fair amount of effort into and was fairly confident in her likeliness of winning it, "
but if the turnout even begins to mirror what happened in Iowa, all bets are off," says a Clinton adviser. It seems that after Obama's victory in Iowa, that it has caused a ripple where the new hype surrounding him has caused a much larger than expect number of people to lean in favor of him in states, such as New Hampshire, with their primaries coming up soon. Although this is a bit of a scary situation for Clinton and her campaign, the recent polls taken since Obama's victory in Iowa may not be as serious as they seem since there is speculation that it is just hype spreading from Iowa so that excited voters are voting for who seems to be popular for the moment. Given some time, this may change as the excitement from Iowa dies down which may lead to New Hampshire still falling to Clinton. Personally, though, I believe that New Hampshire will almost definitely fall to Obama because it's primary is just around the corner and, whether voters in New Hampshire will admit it or not (as the blog stated), their opinions have been affected by Obama's victory in Iowa and it will probably last for a while and show up in the primary. Whether or not a domino type effect results from this or whether or not Clinton can bounce back from what could possibly be important and surprising back to back loses is hard to see. But I believe one thing is for sure: whatever chances Obama had at winning the democratic nomination were, they have definite increased an unexpectedly large amount after winning the Iowa primary, but its impossible to tell exactly how much that is, or if it'll be enough, only time will tell.


Bethany said...

I agree with you regarding Obama and Hillary. I believe that Hillary must be quite nervous and worried right now about winning New Hampshire. Obama has an edge over her due to his last win in Iowa and debate campaign.

Cory said...

That is a very good point that you and the blogger you follow are making. It is a large trend to follower what others do in our world today, and this is definitely something Hillary should be sweating now. It seems that most individuals have no clue as to what each candidate represents, but instead follow what they hear from friends or from the popular media at night.