Monday, January 21, 2008

Tough situation with tougher desicions

Vote "No" On This Potential Nomination, posted Jan. 21 on "A Chequer-Board of Nights and Days," talks about the possibility that General David Petraeus will be nominated to be the NATO supreme commander. The controversy that's being addressed is that right now things are far from settled in the Middle East and that Petraeus is a great military leader so they should keep him there for the time being. I agree 100% with this blog. Petraeus is the best military mind at hand and he is currently in the best place for his skill to be used to the max. It is also the most important place for him to be right now. If he was taken out of Iraq to become the commander of NATO, it may be something that he deserves, but it would be illogical knowingly take someone out of an important place when he is the best around to tackle the job. Petraeus is a great military leader and will definitely become the supreme commander of NATO eventually, but now is not the time to start switching up command which would only make things tougher. I think it is also important to make the point that the job Petraeus is doing he is doing extremely well on; whether or not you agree with the political issues surrounding the war in Iraq, on the military side of things, our military has done amazingly well in limiting casualties and in efficiently suppressing resistance without any significant losses in comparison to any war in all of history.


Brother Benjamin said...

I wholeheartedly agree with both this blogger's and your evaluation of this issue. While I believe that Petraeus would serve as an excellent NATO supreme commander, he is in a critical position in the United States military, as his decisions and strategies have greatly battled the Iraqi insurgency and brought a level of peace that had been absent from Iraq for quite some time.

Lars said...

I agree that Petraeus should not leave his position as our military leader in Iraq. His actions over there have been excellent and pulling him out would leave an awfully big hole to be filled by a new guy.

Luke said...

I too don't think that Petraeus should leave his position, but I question your claim of military success in Iraq. It seems unpatriotic to question our military, but they are human too and make mistakes. Sometimes I think they need constructive criticism too.